Monday, 16 December 2013


God did not create you to have limits.

You are made in the image of EVERYTHING; you are an expression of the ALL. You are the very image and the likeness of freedom, expressing itself without fear or restriction. You can choose to be any part of the “everything” you wish to experience and express any part of the whole, in any way you wish. It is in the nature of what you are to express freedom that nature is why we resist the restrictions that others may place on us.

Smile you are in control, I know the phrase that is most often used is “God is in control”, but here in this physical life, it is us that have dominion, we (humanity) have complete freedom to create, express and experience anything we can imagine. It is essential for you to be able to experience yourself as you truly are, and to express the freedom of your will, you can even say no to God. Saying “no” to your creator does have consequences in this relative world however, not that you would be judged or punished for your negative response, but that your life will not “take off” in the way you dreamed it would. In this physical, relative realm our choices have consequences and outcomes; there will always be a harvest from our seeds.

The struggles and restriction we experience are artefacts of our level of awareness, it is a measure of the level of fear we still allow in our lives and an indication to the level of reality we ascribe to the physical world. Fear has us so tied up in knots that we can’t see the truth, we can’t see ourselves, and we’re hidden from ourselves by our trust in this negatively imagined reality.

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead."--Nelson Mandela

Time to begin travelling through this life consciously, to begin deliberately choosing your path and creating a self, a life and a world where freedom is truly experienced and expressed. Wholeness, fulfilment and utter complete freedom are your birthright, you are a free being and being completely free is who you really are. Shift from a limited idea of who you are, move from a narrow view of what the nature of physical reality is and realize (make real) in your experience the expression of the limitless and free being you are.

Ephesians 4:15 (NLT) Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.

Practice love and compassion towards everyone you encounter, starting with that good looking gorgeous one in the mirror. Why? Because the very definition of limitless freedom is love and the first person we all need to learn to love is ourselves, that “gorgeous one in the mirror”, second share your love with all others. We are all perfect for the lives we came here to live.

God did not create you to have or experience limits, the only limits in life are those placed on you by you. You are created to be utterly free to express and experience a life of wholeness, free form the limiting negativity of small thoughts. Limitless freedom comes with the realization of our true nature (wholeness/oneness) and with the movement into wholeness the realization of limitless freedom. The circle is complete.

By the way, how is all this chasing after stuff working for you? Does it bring you the happiness and fulfilment you seek? It doesn‘t? Well, that’s interesting huh!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Nothing is impossible for you, do you believe that? Believe it, because it’s true. Do you know how limitless and without boundary you are? You are you know; believe it, because it’s true.

You know that great big long list of things that this expert or that guru or for that matter society itself says we must do in order to be accepted as this, that or the other. Those impossibly high standards of busyness that we must attain in our lives so that others will think of us as a successful human being.

Then there’s all the tiny, inconsequential and unimportant stuff we fill our days with you know what I’m talking about, we keep ourselves so busy with the distractions of life. We spend most of our waking hours, perhaps ninety percent (90 %…!) doing the things that could never produce the fulfilling lives we so desperately desire. We give the lion’s share of our time and energy to the situations and people that deflect us from our true purpose, and therefore fulfilment in life.

We spend so much time retweeting this, or liking that, playing this game or watching that TV show. We worry about every tiny little thing, most of which we are apparently unable to do anything to change, we procrastinate (which at its root, is just fear of change) and we run around stressing about EVERYTHING!!!

Now, spending time on social media sites like Twitter isn’t necessarily a waste of time as long as it is used to encourage and to move your purpose forward. Everything has its rightful place in our lives as long as it helps us grow and move forward toward wholeness and fulfilment, and not distract us and deflect us from truly living. The social media does present us with an AMAZING opportunity to bless, encourage and bring a little light into someone’s life; it would be to waste an opportunity otherwise. But, that said we need to keep our online activities in the proper perspective (says a self confessed Twitter-aholic).

The experience of fulfilment is a window into wholeness, and wholeness a window into your true self and reason for being here; it allows you to peer into the truth of who you are. Be completely present in life, pay attention to what really matters in life, the people, the relationships and the expression of love within those relationships. Pay attention to the things that you are passionate about, that is a great big flashing neon sign that’s trying to tell you where and on what you need to spend your time.

Fulfilment, the experience of wholeness, resides not in the doing of “the stuff you’re supposed to do”, in all that running to keep up with societies expectations, constantly worrying about what those around think about you. Do whatever it is that brings you the most abundant joy; do whatever makes you overflow with satisfaction and wholeness. Do these things not only to bring yourself joy, but also to share that joy and to lead others to their joy and wholeness too.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:32-34
Dream your biggest and most wonderful dreams, and then live it! There is amazing wonder, overwhelming beauty and magnificence in your life and for that matter every life, go find yourself a mirror and check it out! Nothing is impossible for you, do you believe that? Believe it because it’s true, not only for the leaders of this world or the rich, but for you too.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Searching for Wholeness (Part 2 - Physical Wholeness)

Physical wholeness from a spiritual perspective - Nothing Missing, Nothing Broken!

3 John 1:2(NIV) "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well."

Physical wholeness from a spiritual perspective - Nothing Missing, Nothing Broken! That is how it should be during our physical existence here on the Earth and not a life of pain, disease and suffering, but a life of abundant vitality and strength. If those dreams we all have to live a full rich life filled with love and joyous experiences are ever to come to fruition, then health and wholeness is essential -- big changes will have to be made; your old lifestyle will no longer cut it.

This is a journey from fear and sickness, to hope and a desire to be healthy, from faith that you will, sometime in the future experience the miracle of physical wholeness to the knowing and experiencing of yourself in a state of optimal health and physical wholeness.

This journey, this process of transformation is as much a renewing, expanding and transforming of the mind, as it is the body. It is an enlarging and expanding of what is possible for you, towards the realization that not only is anything and everything possible for you, but that it already lives and exists just waiting for your claiming of it. Everything of course, includes the literal and complete wholeness of your physical form, the vibrant, energetic you really does already exists in your spirit as potential just aching to be actualized and manifested as and in the material form that is your bodily home in this life.

Realize it is more than just possible to actualise and make real the manifestation of physical wholeness, it is your destiny. But first, there is something you need to know before you can manifest wholeness. - Its already here, it already exists, accept it and call it yours. Of course, arriving at that destiny will require your conscious participation, it may already exist but it still requires conscious effort and intention on your part to manifest and experience what is already so.

The right attitude is essential, you have to see yourself as whole and healthy, you have to be so tired of sickness that nothing but vibrant health will do. If you are to manifest what is already so (waiting your claiming of it), you will have to cultivate a self image of vibrancy and strength. Your body will become what you believe to be true for you; your body is designed to manifest the self image you hold about yourself. Therefore, renewing your mind is absolutely essential, in fact its number one right at the top of your to do list if you are to create a new you.

Your physical form, your body and your mind, was always intended to be a perfect reflection and demonstration of God. You are not only created in God’s image, the life and the light within is God, you were made one with him and your body is meant to show that. This is why the renewing of your mind is so absolutely essential; you can’t become something that you believe yourself not to be.

Proverbs 23:7(KJV) "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..."

Reacquainting yourself with your creator, go within and start a conscious dialog with the very wholeness you seek to manifest. Keeping a record of your interactions with your creator as a personal reference library to encourage and remind yourself as you grow. If you’re not sure where to start try beginning the conversation the same way you would begin any other conversation, just say hello and listen in your heart for the reply.

Every though, word and action should be in alignment with the truth and fact of your true identity, your true self that has always been and will always reside in and with wholeness. Set your mind on manifesting wholeness; make a decision to experience the rest of your days in this life with optimal health, focus your attention on the expression of the vibrancy that you should by now know to reside within. Feed your mind with images of health, populate your thoughts with ideas and knowledge of health - read articles and books about health, surround yourself with pictures of the healthy.

Your self talk, the way you speak to yourself and others about yourself must, MUST reflect a healthy self image, you must speak of your body in the present tense as whole and vibrantly healthy. Your mind listens to what you say about yourself and if you repeat it often enough begins to believe it and take it as true without question, so you must continuously tell the mind exactly what you want it to think.

Take positive action, change those negative, damaging habits and replace them with healthy life firming habits instead. Change your nutrition, exercise and sleep; treat your physical vessel with the love and respect it deserves. Boy, oh boy, if you could (and, by the way you can) see yourself through the eyes of your creator those damaging habits would disappear over night. If you would only perceive the truth of you from Gods perspective, the manifestation of your physical wholeness would have no choice but to “spring forth speedily.”

Isaiah 58:8 King James Version (KJV) Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward."


Isaiah 58:8 New International Version (NIV) "Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard."

Now, this is worth repeating - remember: There is something you need to know before you can manifest wholeness. Its already here, it already exists, accept it and call it yours. It already exists, health is there waiting for you, it belongs to you, now take action and go get it and manifest the truth of your wholeness.

Start now, not tomorrow, not next week or when such and such happens then I can… No, start now and manifest physical wholeness, procrastination kills so do yourself a huge favour and take action today!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Searching for wholeness

It really is true, you have nothing missing and you are not broken, you are whole and complete right now just as you are. I know the prevailing paradigm of separation creates the very convincing impression that you are tiny, insignificant, woefully incomplete and separate. It is why we all go on these life long searches for that missing someone or something that will make us complete, we scour the world for the very thing the world around us cannot provide with any permanence.

The problem is we don’t know what it is that’s missing so we don’t know how to ask the questions that will finally bring us to the answer we so desperately want. If we just had the perfect home, relationship and/or body then we will be complete and happy, but of course even when we attain the perfect home, relationship or body (good luck trying for the latter) we still experience a deep sense of unease and dissatisfaction. Now, of course the right environment, positive relationships and a healthy body can help us along greatly on life’s journey but it is not the ultimate goal in life it does however help facilitate the reaching of our goals.

This missing-ness, this separation is nothing but an ingenious plot devise, a poly we use to create the scripts that become the story of our lives. When it comes down to it we’re all desperately yearning to feel a sense of satisfaction and comfort whilst being in our skin, we want to feel at home in our lives. It is the sponsoring desire and the driving force that fuels the searching that preoccupies our lives.

We’re searching in all the wrong places and for all the wrong things, we’re looking for the one thing that the material world could never supply, that feeling of completeness that comes from reconnecting to our true and authentic selves. First we need to ditch this erroneous and damaging concept of the separate individual, of the tiny insignificant, inconsequential, unimportant small little being that we think of as us. The search begins within, the journey back to the experience of wholeness that we all so desperately want lies in the recognising that you/we were never separate and never alone.

I urge you right now, to go within and begin the conversation that your heart has ached and yearned to have for your whole life, may I suggest you begin with an invitation? Start with: Father, can we talk? Followed by questions like, who am I, really? Or what is the purpose of life, anyway? It may also be a good idea to maintain a record of your interactions with your creator as a personal reference library to encourage and remind yourself as you grow.

You have now begun the exploration of the long awaited answers to those questions and you’re in the right place, you are now travelling life’s path with conscious intent making your way one step at a time, back to the truth and the bliss of your real authentic self. You are heading home back to the accepting, loving arms of your creator and to your true self; you are travelling home to oneness.

I’d hate to sound a negative or discouraging note but this is where the struggle truly begins, your ego will not like having your focus moved away from itself and to the pursuit of wholeness and acceptance but believe me the destination is so worth the long journey.

Your life long search will find its joyous resolution, you will find peace, enjoying the realization that…you never had anything missing and you were never broken and you were always whole and complete.

The day will come when you will be set free from the prevailing and stubbornly persistent illusions of the individualised and separated you -- you are about to experience and explore your wholeness, run wild in and through your completeness and luxuriate in the experience of oneness and bliss with your creator.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


Remember this? You’ve probably seen it on a poster at some time or another. It’s a beautiful poem that was written by Mary Stevenson that reminds us that when we are enduring one of life’s hard times. When life’s path takes us through “…the valley of the shadow…” and we find ourselves in the midst of the darkest of times and we feel our most abandoned it is then that God’s presents and his love is at its strongest. It is at these times in life that he takes us up into his safe arms and carries us through to the sun-lit pastures at the other side of our pain.

Time to reacquaint yourself with these wonderful words and to be reminded that in life’s most arduous of times, you will never have struggle on your own because, you never are alone.

Enjoy and be blessed.


Footprints in the Sand

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?"

The Lord replied,
"The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints,
is when I carried you."

Mary Stevenson ~ ~ from original 1936 text

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Feeling Loved

"Help People Know They're Loved -- Spend the rest of your life giving people back to themselves, that they might love themselves. And show them by how you are with them that you know there is nothing they are lacking, nothing they are missing, nothing they need, nothing they are not."
--Tomorrow's God by Neale Donald Walsch


Let people know that they're loved - Make absolutely sure they know how precious they are. Most people don't seem to know just how wonderful they are, they need to know - tell them!

In the world we live in today it is easy to feel forgotten or ignored, so many people feel as if they are alone, as if they must struggle through life no their own. So many feel inadequate and unworthy or lacking in the abilities they need to live the fulfilled life they desire. You may be acquainted with these feelings of struggle yourself we all have felt alone at one time or another.

It is important that we befriend each other, to be the thing that we feel is missing in our lives and bring that, be that, in the life of another. Sow a seed of friendship and love into someone’s life, spend some of your time alleviating the loneliness of another. Be there for someone; support them when they need supporting, even if it is just listening to them or maybe a hug. It’s amazing how the realization that we are not alone can ease the pressures of day to day life.

We all seem to have the need, the desire, to experience that sense of safety, of security that feeling loved brings. We all have a yearning for that feeling of being comfortable in our own skin, that sensation being loved brings, that sense of freedom to be our true selves and to reach for our dreams and archive our full potential without the judgment of others.

Greatest gift

Perhaps the greatest way to ensure someone feels loved is to gift them with the freedom to reach for their dreams and to be themselves, done not by controlling them with hindrance or judgement but with encouragement and gentle guidance letting them know that your support will always be there when needed.

The freedom to express our desires, our deepest, biggest and most longed for dreams is a God given right and his gift to us, to not only allow but help someone realise these dreams is the grandest of seeds we can sow and most beautiful harvest we can ever receive.

Being the thing you need in the life of another, bringing the feeling of love and acceptance into the life of another is a basic universal principle it’s sowing and reaping. Whatever you put into life will always come back to you amplified as a harvest and a reflection of what you bring to life.

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”
-- Galatians 6:7

The system cannot be tricked, gift the feeling of love and friendship into the life of another and it will come back to you in abundance, you will never feel forgotten or ignored, you will never be alone.


Of course, all that said, ultimately none of us are ever truly alone and we never could be that aloneness, the feelings of separation we experience were never a true reflection of reality. Tell everyone you meet that they are loved, tell them they are not now or ever could be alone, tell them, remind them, who they really are. Remind all you meet; tell them that they are precious; a sparkling jewel in God’s crown, a shimmering example of God’s perfection in this his magnificent creation.

I know its tuff right now but, you know that, you are about to enter a wining streak, you are just about to hit your stride and reach your goal. Give what you need, be the person you know yourself truly to be and the fulfilment of your dreams is assured.

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Wednesday, 9 January 2013

True Beauty


Let me ask you this: What, but itself did God have to create with?

The next time you look in the mirror instead of hating what you see, remember this about yourself. God created nothing but beauty, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Just lovely, really lovely!

Don’t judge yourself by the standards of others; they don’t realize who they are themselves it should be no surprise that they don’t recognise the divine spark in you. We seem to have forgotten that the true source of beauty lies within, that spark, the divine life force, the real you. Instead of judging the outer shell, by standards which are un-realistic and impossible to live up to, look passed them to your true inner beauty.

You are amazing, believe me if you could see yourself as you really are, as God sees you, you would never judge yourself again. You ARE beautiful, a prime example of perfection, you have nothing wrong with you, nothing! Really, accept yourself, accept yourself as your creator does, you are exactly who you are meant to be.

Love that person in the mirror, accept yourself. There is no such thing as ugly, really, the true definition beauty is so much wider then society believes it to be. The true definition of beauty includes EVERYONE and EVERYTHING (and yes that includes you!) in fact; it includes the whole of creation. To repeat myself from earlier, God created nothing but beauty.

You are Valuable

You are intrinsically valuable, it has nothing to do with how others see you, and the fact of your existence alone makes you so precious. You my precious are amazing, you are limitless and talented, and creation is made more glorious because of you. One like you has never existed before and never will again, you are boundless, without parallel and you are treasured.

If anyone continually puts you down or belittles your efforts know that it is they who have the problem not you. Do not take their negativity and make it your own, you have everything you need to accomplish and live out your dreams. The only thing that could ever hold you back is your thoughts, so keep those negative thoughts away by filling your mind with positive thoughts and images. In your minds eye, see yourself as God sees you. A precious sparkling jewel radiant with beauty, a beautiful flower with the sweetest fragrance know this: the world is made a better place because of you.

If nothing else remember this: you are truly, AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED and TREASURED. You are needed in this world; countless thousands would miss you if you were not here. You are a light that cannot be dimmed, a shining star that will never be snuffed out.

The universe needs you, your friends need you never forget that.


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