Nothing is impossible for you, do you believe that? Believe it, because it’s true. Do you know how limitless and without boundary you are? You are you know; believe it, because it’s true.
You know that great big long list of things that this expert or that guru or for that matter society itself says we must do in order to be accepted as this, that or the other. Those impossibly high standards of busyness that we must attain in our lives so that others will think of us as a successful human being.
Then there’s all the tiny, inconsequential and unimportant stuff we fill our days with you know what I’m talking about, we keep ourselves so busy with the distractions of life. We spend most of our waking hours, perhaps ninety percent (90 %…!) doing the things that could never produce the fulfilling lives we so desperately desire. We give the lion’s share of our time and energy to the situations and people that deflect us from our true purpose, and therefore fulfilment in life.
We spend so much time retweeting this, or liking that, playing this game or watching that TV show. We worry about every tiny little thing, most of which we are apparently unable to do anything to change, we procrastinate (which at its root, is just fear of change) and we run around stressing about EVERYTHING!!!
Now, spending time on social media sites like Twitter isn’t necessarily a waste of time as long as it is used to encourage and to move your purpose forward. Everything has its rightful place in our lives as long as it helps us grow and move forward toward wholeness and fulfilment, and not distract us and deflect us from truly living. The social media does present us with an AMAZING opportunity to bless, encourage and bring a little light into someone’s life; it would be to waste an opportunity otherwise. But, that said we need to keep our online activities in the proper perspective (says a self confessed Twitter-aholic).
The experience of fulfilment is a window into wholeness, and wholeness a window into your true self and reason for being here; it allows you to peer into the truth of who you are. Be completely present in life, pay attention to what really matters in life, the people, the relationships and the expression of love within those relationships. Pay attention to the things that you are passionate about, that is a great big flashing neon sign that’s trying to tell you where and on what you need to spend your time.
Fulfilment, the experience of wholeness, resides not in the doing of “the stuff you’re supposed to do”, in all that running to keep up with societies expectations, constantly worrying about what those around think about you. Do whatever it is that brings you the most abundant joy; do whatever makes you overflow with satisfaction and wholeness. Do these things not only to bring yourself joy, but also to share that joy and to lead others to their joy and wholeness too.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:32-34Dream your biggest and most wonderful dreams, and then live it! There is amazing wonder, overwhelming beauty and magnificence in your life and for that matter every life, go find yourself a mirror and check it out! Nothing is impossible for you, do you believe that? Believe it because it’s true, not only for the leaders of this world or the rich, but for you too.
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