You are made in the image of EVERYTHING; you are an expression of the ALL. You are the very image and the likeness of freedom, expressing itself without fear or restriction. You can choose to be any part of the “everything” you wish to experience and express any part of the whole, in any way you wish. It is in the nature of what you are to express freedom that nature is why we resist the restrictions that others may place on us.
Smile you are in control, I know the phrase that is most often used is “God is in control”, but here in this physical life, it is us that have dominion, we (humanity) have complete freedom to create, express and experience anything we can imagine. It is essential for you to be able to experience yourself as you truly are, and to express the freedom of your will, you can even say no to God. Saying “no” to your creator does have consequences in this relative world however, not that you would be judged or punished for your negative response, but that your life will not “take off” in the way you dreamed it would. In this physical, relative realm our choices have consequences and outcomes; there will always be a harvest from our seeds.
The struggles and restriction we experience are artefacts of our level of awareness, it is a measure of the level of fear we still allow in our lives and an indication to the level of reality we ascribe to the physical world. Fear has us so tied up in knots that we can’t see the truth, we can’t see ourselves, and we’re hidden from ourselves by our trust in this negatively imagined reality.
"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead."--Nelson Mandela
Time to begin travelling through this life consciously, to begin deliberately choosing your path and creating a self, a life and a world where freedom is truly experienced and expressed. Wholeness, fulfilment and utter complete freedom are your birthright, you are a free being and being completely free is who you really are. Shift from a limited idea of who you are, move from a narrow view of what the nature of physical reality is and realize (make real) in your experience the expression of the limitless and free being you are.
Ephesians 4:15 (NLT) Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.
Practice love and compassion towards everyone you encounter, starting with that good looking gorgeous one in the mirror. Why? Because the very definition of limitless freedom is love and the first person we all need to learn to love is ourselves, that “gorgeous one in the mirror”, second share your love with all others. We are all perfect for the lives we came here to live.
God did not create you to have or experience limits, the only limits in life are those placed on you by you. You are created to be utterly free to express and experience a life of wholeness, free form the limiting negativity of small thoughts. Limitless freedom comes with the realization of our true nature (wholeness/oneness) and with the movement into wholeness the realization of limitless freedom. The circle is complete.
By the way, how is all this chasing after stuff working for you? Does it bring you the happiness and fulfilment you seek? It doesn‘t? Well, that’s interesting huh!
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