Friday, 28 December 2012



Angels all around you, angels are with you every day, they surround you, carry you, protect you and love you.

Angels are all those souls you meet each day; they bless you with their presence as you bless them with yours.

Angels are those who bring you opportunity and those who take it away; they are the ones who bring you both the laughter and the pain.

Angels are in the sunshine and angels are in the rain.

Angels catch your tears when you cry and dance with you at moments of joy, they cheer when you are winning and encourage you when you are down.

Angels were in the smile of that child you hurried pass when you were running late today.

An angel was in that lick from a puppy and the purr of your neighbours’ cat.

Angels can be found in every moment, every situation and in every person you encounter each and every day of your life.

Angels are everywhere my friend because you see; it really is true he has sent you “nothing but angels”.

Be an angel for someone today! God bless.


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Saturday, 22 December 2012



Being mindful and aware of what you are thinking and the emotions that are produced by those thoughts, can show you so much about yourself. It can reveal the motivations that are not only behind your thoughts, emotions and actions but the repeating (and often negative) patterns of thoughts, reactions and emotions in your behaviour.

Watch yourself, in your mind take a step back and watch yourself. Observe, without judging, how you tend to react in a habitual way to certain types of thoughts, situations and people. Observe (again without judging), the emotions that arise at these times, then, ask yourself why? Why do I keep reacting this way?

The answer you arrive at could change your life. It will probably take some time and waiting with patience and you might have to let it sit with you for a while before you come to an answer and will different from person to person. But, when you do it really could change your life.

Continue observing in this way and a thought might occur to you, “These negative thoughts and emotions are not me”. You will on longer identify yourself with or as these negative ideas and realize you can make new choices, you can choose the way you see yourself. You can now choose to act as a pose to reacting in the way you have up until now, this will set you free to be who you really want and should be.

You can now give yourself permission to choose differently, to consciously and deliberately choose and act in a new positive life affirming way. A way that will revolutionize the picture you hold of yourself and therefore, revolutionize the whole your life.

Understanding your motivations is an important step, but, acting from the revelation that the observing of your thoughts, emotions and actions has given you is essential if you are to see any real change in your life. It could be your health, finances, or in your relationships or any other aspect of your life, whatever it is action is the fastest way to see change.

Act from this place of observation, of mindfulness, be aware of the effect your words and actions have on your life, the world around you and all the people in it. So, who is it that is doing all this observing? You are, the real you, the spiritual you, the part of you that come to this life to experience and express as much of itself as possible. Focus your mind on this observer, think of it as observing the observer if you like, spend some time with your real self, with the divine you.

Another good idea is to ask that part of ourselves that gives us our individual identities, the ego, to step aside and to allow the real you, the spirit you, the observer you, to take the driving seat. Coming from this place of the spirit is to come from a place that is motivated only by love you will gain a completely new perspective on all that noise and drama that goes on in your mind. Again allowing you to see your usual motivations and reactions in a new way and again, allowing you to consciously choose a fulfilling path for your life.

Come from your true self and you are motivated purely by love, you accept yourself, you accept others and you definitely do not judge. Now you have seen yourself in this new way, now you understand your motivations and beliefs (which area just un-questioned ideas you hold about yourself) you can leave the old you behind and march into the future with a peaceful mind, confidence, standing tall with your head held high.

You are also free to see all those you meet; family, friends, acquaintances or even those you might call strangers, in a new light. Because you now have an insight into their motivations and feelings you no longer have expectations of them that they were probably unable to meet. You now realize that everyone is struggling with the same internal battles you are, the difference is that now you are able to (gently) bring them to the same realisations that you have.

The point of all of this is that being consciously aware of your inner life allows you to deliberately choose the course of your life. You now have control over your thoughts, emotions and actions, not as before when you believed that they (your thoughts, emotions) had control over you. You can be who you always wanted to be, you can be the person you always knew you were on the inside, but never thought you could be on the outside.

Remember you are not your thoughts, you have thoughts, but they are not you -- BE THE BEST YOU - YOU CAN BE.


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Thursday, 29 November 2012

Thoughts on Compassion

Have compassion for yourself, go easy on yourself, you are doing your best you don't need to be beating yourself up. You are so brave, and strong it takes so much courageousness on your part to go out and live your life the way you do. Understanding this about you is the beginning of wisdom. Understanding this about yourself opens the door to you understand that everyone, at any particular moment, is doing their best.

“So have compassion for yourself. You are courageous and good, and you deserve it” - Neale Donald Walsch

Not that you couldn't or shouldn't aim higher, compassion is about not judging yourself (or others) if you (or they) don't live up to expectations. It is about accepting ourselves and each other as we are. We grow and reach our potential one step at a time, become the person we choose to be one day at a time, try not to judge either yourself or others if you (or they) do not achieve everything in one big leap. Life is a process, a journey don’t be to hard on yourself is things don’t happen as fast as you would like.

Compassion gives us strength in the face of an apparent evil event or action, to see the perpetrators’ of such events and their actions in a new light. Not to condone such actions of course, but to look at that action from a new perspective and to understand that to those committing the action they “…did the right thing” or did what they “… had to do” (given their understanding of how life works).

Compassion knows a person may be acting from a place of hurt or emotional turmoil and are therefore doing the best they can in the circumstances and therefore will not judge. Most of us are so distracted by life; the world keeps us so busy, so it should be no surprise that people rarely fulfil their potential. Compassion knows this and so, with love, will give them (everyone) the freedom and opportunity to be all they can be.

Compassion is love expressed as an action; it has empathy for and shares the suffering of others. The compassionate response is always to end the suffering and pain of others and to do all it can to return them back to a state of wholeness. That, by the way, is the source of your desire to end your own pain or suffering, your soul has compassion for you too.

One last thought. Compassion will always do the right thing, acting from a place of non-judgment, love and understanding.

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Sunday, 4 November 2012

Selected Wisdom Quotes - 3

Another helping of: Wisdom quotes from Facebook and Twitter posted by myself and friends. The quotes that are from those friends will have links included. Some of my own quotes will have comments included to amplify there meaning.

This post has been waiting a long time to be published so if those I quote don't remember saying these things, that's my fault for taking so long, that said enjoy!


You can give two minuets to dream of tomorrow, to imagine your dreams coming true! Dream your dreams with faith, love & trust.
Your dreams are real, they exist. They reside in the infinite as potential just waiting for you to realise them, to experience and to live them. A dream is step 1 in the creation of your future.

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning."-Louis L'Amour
This thing called life is never finished, the journey in never over. You will always have more to see, more to be, more to experience and more you want to do.

“Because, only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.”– Author Unknown @Jason_Bournesm Jason's Spina Bifida Journey
I know nothing with any certainty ~ But the sight of the stars makes me dream. ~Van Gogh @EarthLifeInst
"God wants you to be happy. If Christians aren’t happy, then who would want to be a Christian?" – Randy Robison LIFE Today
Your life and your health is not determined by your genes, but by what you do that will express them positively or negatively. That includes your beliefs about your life. @BobChoat
It takes time to succeed because success is merely the natural reward of taking time to do anything well. ~ Joseph Ross via Sati Shankar
You have the ability to know when to push and when to stop, listen to your gut, give whatever it is the "tummy test" and let it guide you.
You have all the wisdom you could ever need for this life residing inside you. That part of yourself called spirit, the part of you that knows and is connected to the divine, to God.
"In the first grade, I already know the pattern of my life. I didn't know the living of it, but I knew the line.... From the first day in school until the day I graduated, everyone gave me one hundred plus in art. Well, where do you go in life? You go to the place where you got one hundred plus."-Louise Nevelson
Follow whatever it is that you have a real passion for, the thing you most enjoy. Do whatever it is that you are really good at, the thing that you have an obvious talent for and brings you the most joy. Fill your days with nothing else but that thing, it is who you are and why you are here.

You are good enough, worthy enough, and lovable enough. Never forget that.
Your thoughts have been telling you lies about you. Your worth has nothing to do the external world, your, looks, job or possessions. It comes from your creator and your divine nature, you were created beautiful, perfect and without judgement.
"Choose to take nothing for granted, & see yourself as a powerful loving healer of your life, and of your world" ~Unknown Via Dr. @LoriShemek
I have learned over the past year to handle setbacks in life. After each initial "punch," I've become more & more adept at bouncing back.- Heidi Lynn Russell @lovemrthornton

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Saturday, 25 August 2012

Only a reflection.

The outside world is only a reflection of our inner individual and collective worlds. Our outer experience always reflects our deepest feelings, positive or negative. The apparent chaotic, disordered and frenzied nature on events in resent years is a reflection of the turmoil we feel inside. The world is changing, and changing fast and the result is the aforementioned inner turmoil. Consider the possibility that it is us that is changing and that the world around us has on choice but to respond. Change ourselves, change the world. Could it be that simple? Is it possible that the world will only change after we change and not before?

Like it or not the world is changing, the question is: In which direction? We are the authors of our own experience and our own destinies, we get to choose. In fact we are choosing right now, each and every second of every day our thoughts and more importantly the emotions behind those thoughts are choosing not only what we experience next but also how we interpret what happens. Our deep inner emotions and motivations must, must line up with how we intend life’s to be. After all, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”

You know, this “outside” chaotic world that we find so stressful is just responding to the fear and worry we express as a reaction to the events of that outside world, which reacts to our fear, and so on, and so on, around and around. As it is inside, so it is outside. Our emotions/intentions continually re-write the events and experiences of our lives.

Author's of our own experience

You could say that all this stuff, the people, the events is all happening in the mind/consciousness of God. The world around us could be thought of as holographic information it is only when the light of consciousness shines on it, that the information is decoded and interpreted that it becomes the world we experience.

We are that consciousness, the creators of the events and then we immerse ourselves in those events. Whilst, for the most part anyway, not realising that we are the universe the author’s of our own experience.

The world around us has a certain reality, just not the reality it appears to have or be. Not the three dimensional solid physical that our senses present to us anyway, for example, the colour green isn’t really green it is a certain frequency of light we interpret as the colour we call green.

We exist as and in a sea of consciousness, exploring, dreaming and remembering through the experience of life as individual beings. That is why we can change, re-shape the world around us. We are it and it is us, all we ever do is reshape/recreate ourselves, so that we experience a different part of ourselves or at least experience life/ourselves from a different perspective. Guided as we are, back to that remembering by our heavenly creator, ultimately the only consciousness, the only life the truly is that which we call God.

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Monday, 13 February 2012

Selected Wisdom Quotes - 2

A second helping of: Wisdom quotes from Facebook and Twitter posted by myself and friends. The quotes that are from those friends will have links included. Some of my own quotes will have comments included to amplify there meaning.
There are times I am tempted to view the present with the bitter reflection of the past. And then I remind myself my future is dazzling. Heidi Russell Rafferty
Time’s so precious, don’t let it slip away before it’s too late… you’ll never get it back.- @Jason_Bournesm Jason's Spina Bifida Journey
When you give it your all you will have no regrets. So do what you do with your best efforts. -Bob Choat
‎"Real confidence comes from knowing and accepting yourself -- your strengths and your limitations -- in contrast to depending on affirmation from others."-Judith M. Bardwick
You will find that your general outlook will alter greatly, when you realize the true nature of you. The beauty of who you really are.
So, what is your true nature? You are love, you are acceptance. I have decided not use the word "unconditional" to describe love, that is because real, nor should I say pure love has no conditions. Conditions arise from fear and need; there is no fear in love. Bellow is how the bible describes you!

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

"God is the Healer of broken hearts, and He longs to help you find strong and meaningful relationships." - James Robison
Too many people are always running away from things that they perceive to be negative… Bob Choat
Don't worry if things are happening slower than you expected, they are still happening. Things are being moved into place, trust the process
The process of creating your future is not sitting still even if you don't see any movement; the pieces are moving into place. For everything there is a time, events have to take place in the right order and at the right time. Not only that but you have to be prepared and ready for your dreams to manifest, that is to say, psychologically and emotionally ready otherwise you may not be able to handle the size of change that would inevitable come when your "dreams come true"

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

"We distrust our heart too much, and our head not enough."-Joseph Roux
Do you think it is possible? What are you not trying for because you think you will not succeed? #LetGoOfFear @LoriShemek
Because the reality is you are inherently beautiful exactly the way you are right this very moment. There is not one single person in this whole world just like you. Dr. Lori Shemek From a post @

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Tuesday, 7 February 2012

The Youth Rising For Peace Summit – Feb 11th-12th


I'm writing to let you know about a free virtual event that celebrates young peace leaders from around the world, inspiring you to find your own path to peace.

It’s called The Youth Rising For Peace Summit – the first ever 24-hour global telesummit – covering the full spectrum of peace, from inner peace to international peace. You’ll hear from young peace leaders from most time zones sharing about the peace projects and ideas that inspire them.

Register for FREE here:

The Summit happens February 11th -12th – and you can listen in live via your phone line or computer to as many sessions as you’d like.

I hope you can join me, and let’s spread peace around the world!

Yours in peace,


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Monday, 6 February 2012

I am

"I think therefore I am"

Rene Descartes

Rene Descartes said "I think therefore I am". Maybe it's time to expand on that statement, maybe it's time to new larger understanding.

Maybe it's time to move on from: "I think therefore I am"


"I experience therefore I am"


"I observe therefore I am"

Then ultimately to:

"I am therefore I am"

So, what do you think? Are we ready to move on from our identification with the mind? Is it time to identify with our consciousness, with our inner watcher, with the "I am"? With the spirit of oneness, with God?

What do you think?

The world is waiting for our decision. We live in a world that is changing, the direction is up to us.

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Thursday, 2 February 2012

Selected Wisdom of Quotes - 1

Wisdom quotes from Facebook and Twitter posted by myself and friends. The quotes that are from those friends will have links included. Some of my own quotes will have comments included to amplify there meaning.
Keep in mind that there is always an alternative, always another choice, it is NEVER over, you are NEVER finished.
You always have the ability to choose again, to change your mind. You always have the right to decide again, because deciding again, choosing a new outcome is creation, and creating is what you do. You are a creator, you are the creator being human.
All the limitation people, teachers, family, friends even you put on yourself. Are all now null and void, start again, start fresh. Be who you dreamed you could be, this time around remember to be MAGNIFICENT!
If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you can't. It's that simple! When we have ourselves convinced that something is impossible for us we probably will not even try. Our thoughts have the ability to either enable us or disable us, to quote Proverbs 23:7 (KJV) "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." which is why we are also told "be transformed by the renewing of your mind" Romans 12:2.
‎"The tiny flame that lights up the human heart is like a blazing torch that comes down from heaven to light up the paths of mankind. For in one soul are contained the hopes and feelings of all Mankind."-Kahlil Gibran
That jump from where you are to where you want to go is scary..close your eyes & know that the leap alone will create astounding strength.. DLS HealthWorks, LLC ( Dr. Lori Shemek )
‎"Do not worry about what others are doing! Each of us should turn the searchlight inward and purify his or her own heart as much as possible."-Mohandas K. Gandhi
People will notice that you are willing to have a go, to do your best. You are about to inspire someone to do their best, to reach higher. To be more than they thought they could be. And, to remind them that when circumstances say " you can't ", you can!
We are all watching each other, watching for clues on how to behave, and how to create our dream life. Lead by example, by being the best you, you can be you inspire all you encounter to be their best. Hopefully in the process creating a better more loving more harmonious world, a world where everyone can prosper and live in peace. Because basically we all yearn to love and be loved.
Today will find you solving problems and overcoming obstacles. Why? Because you bigger than your problems, You are MAGNIFICENT ! You where created be an expression of God's light unto this world.
Problems are just opportunities in disguise, opportunities to grow and express more of who you really are. Opportunities to develop your understanding of others, help others and to love every person and situation you encounter.
Your mental state will determine your action state. - @BobChoat
There is a a need for you to spread your wings, fly like an eagle, reach for your full potential.
We all have this desire to be everything we can be, to excel in every aspect of our lives. To be in a place of such grace and blessing, to move through live will ease and elegance, to live a life of such unhindered joy, health and abundance that nothing is impossible. Guess what; nothing is impossible, EVERYTHING is possible for you if you believe.
‎"Nothing so bolsters our self-confidence and reconciles us with ourselves as the continuous ability to create; to see things grow and develop under our hand, day in, day out."-Eric Hoffer
‎"All history makes clear that an indispensable quality of any man or class that wishes to lead, to hold power and privilege in society, is boundless self-confidence."-James Burnham
Today allow yourself to reach a number of important decisions. Like, for example, forgiving those who hurt you and loving those who hate you
Negative emotions like un-forgiveness and hate only ever hurt you and not the person they are aimed at. Consider the possibility that they may even cause you disease and even shorten your life. It is in your interest to let go of such emotions and move on.
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