Sunday, 4 November 2012

Selected Wisdom Quotes - 3

Another helping of: Wisdom quotes from Facebook and Twitter posted by myself and friends. The quotes that are from those friends will have links included. Some of my own quotes will have comments included to amplify there meaning.

This post has been waiting a long time to be published so if those I quote don't remember saying these things, that's my fault for taking so long, that said enjoy!


You can give two minuets to dream of tomorrow, to imagine your dreams coming true! Dream your dreams with faith, love & trust.
Your dreams are real, they exist. They reside in the infinite as potential just waiting for you to realise them, to experience and to live them. A dream is step 1 in the creation of your future.

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning."-Louis L'Amour
This thing called life is never finished, the journey in never over. You will always have more to see, more to be, more to experience and more you want to do.

“Because, only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.”– Author Unknown @Jason_Bournesm Jason's Spina Bifida Journey
I know nothing with any certainty ~ But the sight of the stars makes me dream. ~Van Gogh @EarthLifeInst
"God wants you to be happy. If Christians aren’t happy, then who would want to be a Christian?" – Randy Robison LIFE Today
Your life and your health is not determined by your genes, but by what you do that will express them positively or negatively. That includes your beliefs about your life. @BobChoat
It takes time to succeed because success is merely the natural reward of taking time to do anything well. ~ Joseph Ross via Sati Shankar
You have the ability to know when to push and when to stop, listen to your gut, give whatever it is the "tummy test" and let it guide you.
You have all the wisdom you could ever need for this life residing inside you. That part of yourself called spirit, the part of you that knows and is connected to the divine, to God.
"In the first grade, I already know the pattern of my life. I didn't know the living of it, but I knew the line.... From the first day in school until the day I graduated, everyone gave me one hundred plus in art. Well, where do you go in life? You go to the place where you got one hundred plus."-Louise Nevelson
Follow whatever it is that you have a real passion for, the thing you most enjoy. Do whatever it is that you are really good at, the thing that you have an obvious talent for and brings you the most joy. Fill your days with nothing else but that thing, it is who you are and why you are here.

You are good enough, worthy enough, and lovable enough. Never forget that.
Your thoughts have been telling you lies about you. Your worth has nothing to do the external world, your, looks, job or possessions. It comes from your creator and your divine nature, you were created beautiful, perfect and without judgement.
"Choose to take nothing for granted, & see yourself as a powerful loving healer of your life, and of your world" ~Unknown Via Dr. @LoriShemek
I have learned over the past year to handle setbacks in life. After each initial "punch," I've become more & more adept at bouncing back.- Heidi Lynn Russell @lovemrthornton

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