Friday, 28 December 2012



Angels all around you, angels are with you every day, they surround you, carry you, protect you and love you.

Angels are all those souls you meet each day; they bless you with their presence as you bless them with yours.

Angels are those who bring you opportunity and those who take it away; they are the ones who bring you both the laughter and the pain.

Angels are in the sunshine and angels are in the rain.

Angels catch your tears when you cry and dance with you at moments of joy, they cheer when you are winning and encourage you when you are down.

Angels were in the smile of that child you hurried pass when you were running late today.

An angel was in that lick from a puppy and the purr of your neighbours’ cat.

Angels can be found in every moment, every situation and in every person you encounter each and every day of your life.

Angels are everywhere my friend because you see; it really is true he has sent you “nothing but angels”.

Be an angel for someone today! God bless.


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