Sunday 6 September 2015

A Review of: How to Fight FATflammation!: A Revolutionary 3-Week Program to Shrink the Body's Fat Cells for Quick and Lasting Weight Loss.

Okay, this is my review of "FATflammation A Revolutionary 3-Week Program to Shrink the Body's Fat Cells for Quick and Lasting Weight Loss" by Dr Lori Shemek Ph.D. I posted it over on Amazon some months ago now, and I truly believe that this book to be a great help for those who wish to attain, or regain their health.  I'm sure the nutritional information in this book will play a key role in your health goals.

This is why I'm reproducing it here, health and nutrition promotes, and is essential to maintaining A Blesed Life. So, please read my review and then feel free to follow the links below.


Now, keep reading...


Dr Lori begins by sharing a little of her history and motivation for becoming a nutritionist and why helping people is so obviously her passion and calling. This lady is here to inspire, encourage and offer guidance for each of us who are determined to be healthy and happy. So many in the health industry are there to make a buck and that’s it, but I can honestly say that here we have a lady with a true calling towards the health and enrichment of everyone she encounters.


Did you know, not all calories are created equal? And, did you know how your body metabolites different foods in different ways? You probably didn't, we are told by the diet industry to count calories, all calories. Dr Lori explains why, as you may have noticed, this doesn't work. How many foods we think of as healthy actually causes inflammation.

"Most diets fail because they don’t get to the root of the problem inflamed fat cells" says Dr Lori.

She explains, among other things the difference between acute inflammation and chronic inflammation and how one can become the other. Information is very clearly presented like, for example: "What Causes FATflammation" and "What Fights FATflammation"

Acute inflammation - a short term visitor that shows up when you're injured or have an infection or, chronic inflammation - the irritating and stubborn squatters that have overstayed there welcome. Chronic inflammation of the fat cells within our bodies and reducing that inflammation is what Lori Shemek and this book is all about.

It sounds to me almost like an allergic reaction, or even that our fat cells are in effect sick, they become "inflamed, bloated, and swollen..." we become heavy due to toxicity within our bodies. And this is where I think Dr Lori's expertise and experience comes in - This book tells you which foods to eat and which ones not to eat to permanently shrinking your fat cells in the process.

"The FATflammation-Free Diet Program will change the way your fat cells operate"- Dr. Lori Shemek

From the role hormones play in fat storage, the difference between men and women, the changes that occur as we age and the effects such changes have on health. Epigenetics - the expressing of our genes, and how we can effect genetic expression through healthy choices.

Did you know, about the hormone leptin? "The name leptin is derived from the Greek word lepton, which means thin." Or Ghrelin, which from now on I'm calling the growling stomach hormone! Cool, huh! And what are brown fat cells? You'll love that one! Then there's cellulite, the bane of most women's lives, the truth of it all is here.

Now, I don't want to scare you but brace yourself - SUGAR CAUSES WRINKLES! If that doesn’t encourage you to change your habits nothing will!

As well as all the great information, part three of the book contains Dr Lori’s ‘FATFLAMMATION- FREE DIET PROGRAM’. Dr Lori gets you started towards a slimmer, happier, healthier, inflammation free you! This section alone makes this book an extremely useful, helpful and eminently practical (not to mention, essential) guide to a more energised life.

A three week, step-by-step program that walks you through the practical application of your new found knowledge. This combined with part four which shows you how to maintain a ’Fatflammation’ free lifestyle alone with a complete (and detailed) list of recommended supplements, providing you with all the information and motivation you should ever need.

Don’t miss out the appendix at the back of the book; by the way, it contains an exhaustive list of allowed foods and recipes!


This book is well written in a clear, concise and utterly understandable manner. We've all read books that were overflowing with information about nutrition and full of technical terminology that left you even more baffled than you were before you started. Not so here! You will be walked away from inflammation and into the person you want to be, the manifestation of the person who you're meant to be. You will feel encouraged, informed and enthusiastic about your newly empowered, healthy and attainable future.

The information contained in this book is so clearly presented by Dr Lori that you will find yourself thinking "this is easy, "I can do this " the realization of control is so empowering which is one of the reasons that this book is absolutely essential reading. This book is so obviously written by a lady with the desire, expertise, knowledge, skills, experience and passion for your health and nutrition. Very Worth both your time and money, really - click buy you won't regret it!

Oh and here's a great tip. Read the whole of the book, cover to cover, take notes and do what Dr Lori tells you!

Wednesday 22 April 2015

The cool of the day

There was a time, in the history of our species, when we communed with love and walked with God. A time before the barriers that we have created in between ourselves and God were erected. Before we walked away from God, and separated ourselves from the wholeness of ourselves. Before what the bible called "the fall", before the entrance of fear, separation and competition as our default reaction.

We experienced and lived life in an utterly fulfilled and happy wholeness of spirit, and an expression of the creator which we have forgotten today. A freedom of being, a freedom of spirit and a freedom from stress and anxiety, the expression of life that was completely free of, and utterly unacquainted with, fear. We walked in the cool of the day, sharing completely freely and hiding nothing from the creator in whose image we were created to be, and express.

Today we live with the mistaken perception that the drama, and the struggle for survival, is who are. The world may be a stage but, we've forgotten that we are actors, writers and produce of our stories, the masters of our own destinies. Fear has led us to create religions out of distortions of life's (God’s) truths, creating instead complex rituals, rules and regulations, control mechanisms and stories to try and restore our perceptions of control and certainly.

All of these things have had one effect, and it's devastating our lives, and it is preventing communion with our origins and with our true selves. We've been doing this for a long time now, believing that the story is real, and then forgetting that you and I truly are made to communicate, commune with, and express our hearts connection the divine.

All of our fear based cultural/religious rituals are there to help us control our fears (although, they only seem to exacerbate them) and to try and maintain control over the circumstances of life by of all things, the continual fearing of God. We are told that Agape (unconditional acceptance/love) is the essence of the almighty, and yet we relate to him with fear. Acceptance, we are told is our natural state of being, we are after all created in the image of that which accepts, and yet fear and separation is still predominant in our lives.

Superstitions are nothing else but fear filled little rituals designed to restore our sense of control, small and sometimes large, annoyingly habitual practices, which restore our perceptions of control and safety. But, again, all they do is maintain the thoughts of fear.

Daily life is dominated by, and saturated in, fear based reactions. Mostly, unconscious culturally re-enforced reactions, learnt reactions, to life's apparent lack of control. The ritual of worrying about life and about what might happen, what might not happen or, about how you would cope with this, that, or the other usually imagery scenario manifested suddenly or unexpectedly in your life.

Life is full of "what ifs", potentially calamitous events are waiting around every corner, and we even believe that to behave responsible is to worry. Again, all this ever archives is our continued separation from original source, from God's gentle acceptance and from our true selves.

Life is so stressed, full of a zillion things that you must, must be, do, have or need in order to survive, and be able to feel secure or successful. There are lists upon lists, do's and don'ts, rules and regulations, principles and step by step plans, all of which guarantee fulfilment and success. Again, all this ever archives is our continued separation from original source, from God’s gentle acceptance and from our true selves.

The very things that are meant to return us home (to God) have been hijacked by fear and ritualised, defeating and defying their origins and their purpose. I know, I keep returning to religions, and its complexity can't be discussed here. But religions are the institutions that were meant to return us to God, but for the most part and for most of us, they've failed. Instead of banishing the fears that continue to blight our hearts and our minds, they seem to be reinforcing the manifestations of those fears, strengthening their grip not loosening them.

I know, I know, I just might have put the cat amongst the pigeons here and upset some people, but it seems to me that most adherence to religions don't reach or fulfil their potential. They have rules and regulations that are rooted in fear, that's not what our species spiritual journey is meant to be used for, and it's not what our relationship with God is meant to be about.

Again, we have rules and restrictions, rituals designed to mollify sense of fear, of separation and of anger. These rules and restrictions are also, dare I say, indoctrination systems of control, (another cat amongst the pigeons, I know) used by those persons who are even more deeply entrenched in fear than the rest of us. Again, all this ever archives is the continued experience of separation from original source, from God’s gentle acceptance and from our true selves.

So, how do we change the status quo? How can we return to the intimacy and fulfilment of God, for which we so deeply yearn?

Well, as I've been saying, we all carry an enormous amount of baggage when it comes to our relationship with God. There's the parent / child relationship paradigm of the misbehaving child, and the authoritarian, angry father to be considered. First of all, the manifestation of life (God) that apparently pervades religious thinking is not true; he's not going to throw a tantrum if you haven't got everything just right.

This simply isn't true, fear based reactions have no place in your relationship with God, God loves you unconditionally, no stings attached, it really is that simple. You are accepted by life, God needs nothing of you, has no requirements of you, demands anything of you or any other attachments to the way you should be performing.

This realization of God’s heart removes a large number of the obstacles to the realization of who you are; it takes away so much of the aforementioned baggage and opens the door to our peace and tranquillity. We can, and we should, be able to stand up, walk or even dance with the creator in complete freedom and with joyfulness.

Who are these humans that he would walk with them?

Jesus considered it not blasphemous to think of himself as equal to God, and neither should you! The whole of him, the whole of life itself literally resides in you, and in fact is you. Being made in the image and likeness of God doesn't mean that we are mere reflections, poor copies of the almighty. We are ALL literally his image, and his manifestation, in the world. All of life, not just humanity, is in essence an expression of his glory.

As Gandhi once said:

"God has no religion."

My point is that all of the thoughts, the rules, the regulations, and the rituals are man made attempts at regaining our place within heaven. The hoops we jump through, and the mental, spiritual and physical gymnastics we perform and the struggle we go through are all our way to (from the perspective of fear) cajole love into loving us again, in essence we're desperate to get into God’s good books and to be free of fear. Making it ironic, not to mention insane, that we tend to use fear filled tactics and actions to remove the things that we're most afraid of.

So at this point, you're probably asking. Well, come on then, tell me. What do I have to be, doing, get or need to return home to God, and to be free of fear?

Consider the following possibilities:

Firstly, there is nothing you can do, or for that matter, could do to get control of and/or make happen through certain ritualised actions, threat of any kind (imagine threatening, God) that could ever trick God into letting you in heaven.

Why? Not because he's an angry God like some would content, and not because you are so irretrievably sinful, either. But because there is nothing you need to do, have to be or needed to become and for that matter, nowhere to go or place to be. You don't need to be accomplished in this discipline, or know the right or best answer to every question, or memorise every scripture or worry about following the correct doctrine. Heaven is waiting for you, it doesn't need to be earned, he loves you - you are there now, right where you are. You are with God in his presence and literally in him and with him, he is closer than you could imagine. Now, live with the knowledge that you are already home.

Doctrines are man made attempts to understand the needs of God. A way to figure out how God wants you to behave and what he wants you to believe, it's all about feeling safe and being correct, it is figuring out God’s rules and regulations. God’s needs, by the way are nonexistent, divinity by definition is without need. And since you and I are in his image…? Well…?

Secondly, is it possible that the only thing that separates us from God’s light, his love for us, and his consciousness is our fears? Our fear based culture and the fear entrenched thoughts we have fed our hearts on for so long? Well, think about it. Is it?

This world is amazingly unaware of the almighty, he's everything everywhere and (here's where I upset people, again) he is a part of everyone (he couldn’t be omnipresent, and therefore divine if he didn’t reside within all of us) and yet we don't see him, and we (for the most part) don't know him. He is right here with you, always available, always accepting. There is nowhere you can go to in the whole of the physical universe to be apart from him. He's literally closer to you than your own skin, and he's waiting, waiting for you to recognise, receive and acknowledge his voice.

"There's nothing you have to do, really, except get out of your own way."
~ Neale Donald Walsch

Thirdly, get out of your own way! We, or rather our thoughts and emotions, are a hindrance to our peace. Our egoism is fed by fear and the overly confident believe in our separateness and individualism. Somehow the ego is terrified of letting go; it's terrified of ceasing to exist. But, you don't have to remove the ego just ask it to step aside, take authority and tell it to take a back seat, and no longer let it be in the driving seat.

"This above all: to thine own self be true."
-William Shakespeare

We are all constantly being something that we are not, actors in the story we call our lives. Stop stand still, listen to the divine, he's right there within you. Not being who you are here to be is as natural a small bird trying to bark like a dog, and about as easy. Listening to the music of life, the song of your heart's desires and following its gentle melody is all about the finding of your joy and doing it.

Being someone you're not is both tiring and time consuming, but being your own self is invigorating and freeing to express, experience and explore. As I've been saying, loose the world's worries about the future, and dump all the stuff, the baggage we drag around. What can man do to you anyway? You're made from God stuff, literally, that's what being made in his image means!

So, it's time we delved within ourselves to rediscovered and remember ourselves, and remember our true connection with the divine. You and I truly are made to communicate, commune with, and express our hearts connection with the divine. All of us, all of life, are freedom of expression, an expression of the creator which we had forgotten, we are the free - essence of love - love is the essence of us all.

Life is meant to be fun, whilst we are travelling in life with each other, relationships were intended to provide fulfilment and joy. We have separated each other and from God’s gentle embrace the manifestation of life's joy is lost, replaced by life's trials. It's time to replace the nightmare with a treasured dream; it's time to drop the pretence and illusions of this world.

Walk free of fear, go out in joy and be lead forth in peace, sore on wings as eagles! Acceptance of your heart's desires and your deeply felt true selves is here. Again, lose the fear of what is nothing but an illusory creation, a creation that is shaped by your predominant emotions, by the way, and allow your ego to fade into the background.

Get back to the garden, stand tall in the cool of the day allowing love to be the predominant emotion and once again communion with the depths of God’s heart. You are His love expressing itself, you no longer have a need for all the intervening noise of life to stifle it's, and your wholeness, from freely being lived.

I know that it is difficult to break free of fear. Daily life is dominated by the words of fear, but be persistent; one step at a time, form new habits and renew your mind. Be very choosy about what you allow into your home and your heart, your dream waits, you'll get there, we all will.

Ephesians 5:8

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.

It's finally time to drop the pretence and illusions of this world, the torment and the cultural paradigm of fear. It’s finally time to replace all our culturally re-enforced reactions, learnt fear responses and the struggling to get control of our lives. Again, dump the baggage and remove the barriers to peace and love freely, be utterly open to the realization of who you are. Life is on your side, life will conspire to get you to wherever you choose to go, and bring to being whatever you choose. Choose carefully, choose deliberately, choose wisely and choose with love.

Friday 1 August 2014

Living life at 1,000mph! The world that we created…

Are you? I’m sure you are, most of us are, rushing from one activity to another or from appointment to appointment, this earth shatteringly important thing to an even more important something or other. Busy… busy… busy… We feel compelled to push, push, push just to stand still and the stress is killing us.

We feel we must have control, we feel we must force life to fit the ridged set of requirements we feel are necessary for us to feel secure and at peace. This world stems from fear, we must compete with, battle against, trick, out manoeuvring contriving and scheming and if necessary completely destroy those we see as competitors.

Working so dam hard earning a living when we should be making a life and where is it getting us? - And the big question, where is God in all this anyway?

Humanity suffers from the separation manifested by our out-of-control egos, egos that are fed by the fear that sits at the root of, and is the foundation of, our need to out manoeuvre, scheme against and battle with all those we see a competition for the apparently scant resources of this world.

Look around you at this world that we have created, fighting harder and harder with ourselves and each other and we’re not even standing still, we seem to be sliding backwards.

Is it possible that by slowing down, by training our egos to take a back seat, to step aside and by gradually releasing our fears we can actually achieve more?

That by ending the struggle, ceasing to worry and ending the battles with our fellow humans (and for that matter, with the whole of life) we can finally achieve the state of peace and security for which we’ve always longed?

We human beings were NOT created to live a life of struggle, fear or disease (dis-ease) we are NOT here to worry about our very survival or live a life of terror not knowing if there is a way out.

Believe it or not, life is designed to manifest the exact and most deeply held dreams and desires of your hearts. Really! I know as you look at the world around you it doesn’t seem like it, but it does, always, and it’s the peace stealing and ego feeding fear that does it.

And yes, by the way, there is a way out…!

Let go, stop trying to force life to show-up in a certain way, stop trying to change your world with brut force and ignorance. SLOW DOWN, and to coin a phase, “Let go and let God.” Is it just possible that by trusting the process called life, by believing that God knows how to run your life better than you do, and that he knows how to get you to your destination with grace and efficiency? Not only can he get you there faster but with perfect timing too?

The creation of your desires suddenly become effortless, graceful and you might even say easy, when you let go and trust life, when you trust God. When we cease our fear filled struggle with the circumstances of our lives (Cast your cares…) and follow the lead of our God created spirit, (Seek ye first the kingdom…) the peaceful, fulfilled lives we seek can gracefully manifest in surprisingly short, (but nevertheless, perfect) period of time.

1 Peter 4:8-11 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."

That’s not to say you shouldn’t live an interesting life, quite the opposite, live life to its fullest just cease all this maddening, stress inducing, fighting and struggling. Have your adventures, live your dreams, fulfil your potential and by all means live big - but stop the worry filled fear induced struggling!.

To live your life from a position of peace, we must trust, having faith that everything will not only work together for our good but, will also appear and manifest at the right time and in the right season. Cast your life’s cares onto your creator, onto life himself, in the process of which setting yourself and ourselves free to love each other deeply, acting with care and hospitality towards all (something I’m still working on, btw).

Make full use of your talents, you have them for a reason, use them to bless and to serve others and when you do, grace can flow through you in all its myriad forms. Speak at all times using words of love, act with the strength that comes from love and in all things live in gratitude.

Life will get you to the life you dream of faster and with perfect timing better than you ever could yourself, slow down, stop worrying and trust.

Thursday 17 July 2014


“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”- Albert Einstein
You've heard it said, "The question is not who does God talk to, but who listens." And it’s true God is communicating continually, all of the time heaven is sending inspiration, guidance and love to, and for each of us in every moment of our lives. We don't seem to recognise these communications for what they really are, assuming that they are even noticed (and most of the time, they are not) we give them a multitude of names anything else but the truth of what they are (communications from God).

It's amazing how so many people perform any number of tactics and mental gymnastics to avoid the truth of the communications sent to them from the heavenly source. We have become increasingly expert in the deception of ourselves as to the originator of these inspirations/instructions. We're screaming at God, Why don't you answer? Where the f**k are you? HELP ME!!! (I used asterisk, I was NOT swearing! :P)

He does answer, he is with us always, we have just become so adept at giving the experience any label but "God", or even ignoring them. I'm sure we're all familiar with phrases like, "I guess, I just got lucky!” or "It just seems to be..." preferring to believe that whatever happened was merely random chance as apposed to being the longed for communications from our creator, the creator of life.

We struggle so much with the situations and problems of life and the questions that arise from them, God/Life that inner voice provides the guidance and inspiration for the everyday and the unusual, the mundane and the magical. It’s the summer breeze that brings that sudden moment of genius, that song on the radio or the smile of a stranger. The question you ask one day may be answered the next day by the perfect author who wrote the perfect book that answers your question perfectly.

The trick is not to stress yourself too much in the search for your answers, or try to force life’s events in a direction they don’t want to go or make things happen too quickly. Truly listening to life brings the realization that the events, experiences and answers you are looking for will happen at the right and perfect time for them to happen. In fact, struggling and forcing the issue may have he effect of slowing down or even preventing those things from happening at all.

“Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you.”- The Nag Hammadi Library

Now, here’s the tuff part, we need the courage to act on the inspirations and the guidance we receive. These urgings are there to help us on life’s journey, they are there to help us grow, to become a more fully realized person and dare I say to help us evolve. It is to our advantage to listen to and trust these intuitive messages that have their origins beep within.

God has the whole multi-media magnificence of the whole of creation to communicate with, the complete bandwidth, every parallel reality and every dimension is his to play with at will. He can arrange anything, from the smallest particle to the grandest star, from the tiniest ant to the most imposing of elephants, anything, and everything at all and it’s all at the behest of the almighty just so he can let you know that you haven’t been forgotten.

So, be on the lookout, pay close attention and listen to the people and events of life as they cross your path, you may find just what you’ve been looking for. And, perhaps when that magical moment comes, the realization that it was right in front of you all along.

Wednesday 9 July 2014


Philippians 4:8 "...if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think on such things."

The human imagination is a powerful thing, it is where your future is born, is where physical reality begins its existence, it is the realms of the possible and from where it begins it journey to manifestation. We use this powerful tool all the time, most of the time we use this amazing gift to imagine what can go wrong with our lives, or how things could fall apart and on how our dreams are never going to happen and not on how your dream life couldn't be easier to achieve or impossible to avoid.

We're doing it all the time, our deeply held fears seem so permanently engraved on our souls that we don't even notice the connection between those fears and the creation of the nightmarish circumstances that so many on this planet live in.


We even use our imaginations to create ways to exploit our fellow humans for personal gain, for example: the despicable practice of human trafficking, which is basically the buying, selling, using and when they have no more usefulness to their captures they are thrown away like so much trash. Human beings as disposable objects, with just as much perceived value by those who use them, imagination employed in the pursuit of carnality, evil and the denigrating of others. A subject that a blog entry, or even a whole book by itself and strictly speaking, not the subject of this post…

But, suffice to say:


The imagination is where the seeds of the creatively process are sown, it is where heaven places images of your grandest most fulfilling future, played by the projector of your heart and, viewed on the movie screen of your mind. Deep in your spirit there exists the reason for your coming to this life, the mission you are here to express and experience lives in, and has its beginning at the heart of your being. In there is the genesis of the joy and satisfaction we experience when we fully express our purpose for coming to this life, and all we have to do is listen to and follow the yearnings of our hearts.

The process of creation, the journey to manifestation, begins with our imaginations. As children we do it all the time, we create whole worlds with our imaginations, dreaming up, speaking and acting out possible scenarios all 'as if' it was real. Children are experts in the process of manifestation they demonstrate it every day with their play; we seem to forget as we grow older the joy of the creating and manifesting of our dreams.

So, the four steps to creating a fulfilling future for ourselves and by extension, the whole of humanity, one imagination/life at a time are:

Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."

1) The desire: There are seeds in your spirit, seeds of your desires and of your dreams, the reasons you came to this life, the beginnings of the experiences you came here to explore. Deep, deep within us all resides the driving force behind the whole of consciousness, the life force of creation, the Holy Spirit. Your job is simple, your job is to listen to your heart and search your soul to discover that reason.

2) The dream: This as you might expect, is where your imagination comes in. Use your imagination to give internal life to what are literally the dreams and desires of your heart. Don't worry if you are dreaming the right dream, don't concern yourself as to whether you are making things up or not, just dream. Dream in high definition, not just the sights but the sounds, the smells, the taste and the feeling of being where you know that you should be. Most, most importantly of all is to express the joy, the excitement and the gratitude for the manifestation of what is already so.

3) Speak and act: Your words and actions are simply statements of what is already really so for you, they (your actions) should be treated as the 3D image you have of who you think you are. Acting and moving one step at a time, in the direction you wish to go. Write your vision down, put everything in print so that you can read it and be as detailed as possible.

4) Trust: You don't have to know the details of how it works or how to get where you wish to be. Hold the destination in your mind, knowing that it already is, but don't concern yourself over how you will get there. The life, the Holy Spirit that resides within will guide you - learn to listen and learn to trust. And whatever you do, remember to play.

Monday 10 March 2014

Mistaken Identity

You are not who the world says you are, or what your thoughts say either, you are who and what God says you are. #DivineDarling

We identify with the world and we believe what it says, of course we do why wouldn’t we, after all it seems so real. We identify with the thoughts that meander through our brains and call those thoughts our identity; we identify with the negative feelings of fear, and hate and think that is who we really are. We identify with the physical form that we see in the mirror, and call that image “me”, thinking that it is a true reflection of who we are.

We over estimate the solidity and permanence of the world around us, thinking we have no control over the events and experiences of our lives. We underestimate the power of our intentions, words and actions to change the world, and consider ourselves unable to affect circumstances for the good. This goes for time too, by the way, we give time mastery over us it rules our very existence we’re continually chasing our own tails just trying to keep up.
"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." - Albert Einstein

Hey, it (life) is meant to feel real, that’s the whole point the experience has to be convincing, it needs to appear real for us to have the intended experiences that we came here to have. The problem is we believe it, - we have a galactic size case of amnesia - we put all our trust in this physical existence not only being real, but being the only thing that is real.

Okay, so maybe not all of us are so amnesic, more and more of us are remembering and reacquainting themselves with a wider reality and realizing, just how much fear and torture our trust and reliance on this created reality has produced. But it has to be said, the occupants of this planet seem to be struggling through this life with a very persistent case of mistaken identity.

As real as it may seem, the world we live in and the lives we lead are called creations for a very good reason. This life is a reflection of what we are being but not of who we truly are, we as a planet have been so fearful that it has produced a waking nightmare -- that’s not who or how we are meant to be, we’re not really being our true to ourselves.

Fear has robbed us of the truth of our nature, it has taken the joyousness out of life and lied to us about how life should be lived, it’s time for a change, it’s time for our true natures to be freed, restored and realized, its time for the truth of love. The world and its events are an emanation and a reflection of what we (humanity) are being, the world and its events are important, but they are not a true representation us - we may be in this world, but we are not of it, you and I are here to shape the world and not be shaped by it.

The fear that pervades this world and the resulting separation has produced some very strange ideas, so much so, in fact that the love that created us has trouble being heard. For example, the idea that some lives matter less than others, ‎go figure it’s crazy, really crazy and bears on relation to who we actually are, or for that matter to what life here on Earth was intended to be like.

So, who are we meant to be? Who are we, really? And, what is the true nature that is hidden by fear? We are love; we are the unending non-judgemental acceptance called love and by definition an expression of God.
What is love? Love is the absence of judgement. - Dalai Lama

Believe it or not, despite all the fear and separation that you see all around you, you are made in the image of unconditional, unrestricted love. It is who you truly are and who you are meant to be expressing, radiating and being in this life. If you were expressing your true self, you would be patient and kind, you would not envy or boast and you would not suffer form pride. You would not dishonour others or be self-seeking or, for that matter, easily angered. It would not occur to you take offence or keep a record of any wrong, you would delight in the truth of love and always be protecting, trusting, hoping and because love never fails, you would always be preserving and never judging. Doing no harm to yourself, to others (who are just the same being, the same body, life, being expressed differently), or any to any part of this living creation.
Matthew 25:40 & 45 …‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’… ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

You are the branch and he is the vine, we are ALL “gods” member of his, the one body, we are made one with him, we are a part of him and he’s a part of us, EVERYTHING he is, we are and EVERYTHING he has done and is doing, we can do also. He not only lives in your spirit, he IS your spirit, believe me nothing and I literally mean nothing is impossible for you, for you are limitless.

You realize don’t you, that there is only one body? You realize don’t you, that when you harm or hurt another you are only hurting yourself? You are diminishing who you are; you are denying the true nature of who you are and missing most of the joy that life could bring. We are missing opportunity after opportunity to bless and be blessed and we are missing the whole point of life.

Got it yet? You and I are not meant to live a life of fear and anxiety; we are all of us made in the image of unconditional, unrestricted love. I know what fear might say, but, you have complete freedom to choose and to be whomever you want, so choose your deepest hearts desire. You may have days when you feel powerless, but believe me, it is you who has the authority in your life, not some figure you‘ve given authority to, you do, you are the light and the city that cannot be hidden. We/You/Me/Us are limitless creative beings, if we don't like what we see we can choose something new and change it. We can recreate ourselves you are, and we all are, expert re-creators made from and in the image of the one creator.

You know he sends us nothing but angels? Most of the time their wings are invisible not only to you, but to their owners as well. Believe it or not, but you are an angel in the lives of so many, showing up right on time just when you were needed. It’s time to be who you were always meant to be, it‘s time to be authentic and true, it’s time to stand up and set the captives free.

Consciously choosing our actions as apposed to unconsciously reacting to a circumstance, cultivating the ability to think for ourselves, knowing our own minds and not just adopting the ideas of others. Renewing our minds, leaving the mistaken identity and its attendant fear behind and realizing the power inherent in who we are.

Doing No Harm and Setting The Captives Free
Faith = Action taken from a position of certainty, knowledge and trust that our intended goal, dream or desire has already been accomplished. It is an unswerving confidence in the process and creator of life, that which we call God. The fuel that powers such trust, such complete faith, is the unending acceptance called love.

Links: Genesis 1:27, 1 Cor 12:12&27, 1Cor 13:3-8, Ps 82:6, John 14:11-12, John 15:5, Romans 8:17, Romans 12:4-6 , Eph 4:25

Thursday 2 January 2014


A message has just fluttered down from heaven, it simply said:
“I choose you!”- God

I know it doesn’t seem like it but you are who you are for a reason; you are perfect for this life, so stop judging yourself. I know, I know, believe me I know it, everything you feel tells you that you are extremely unsuited and inadequate for the place and time in history that you find yourself. Life at the moment seem to be an apparently unending battle, all we want is to live a life in which we are free to blossom into our highest potential. We feel threatened by events and the decisions of others, you feel so angry with yourself, with others and with life the whole of life seems to demand we constantly fight.

So angry in fact, that sometimes you don’t want to be here anymore, you’re looking for a way to be free of all this stress. You in fact feel, and I think this is the perfect and only word for it, you feel abandoned. Sweetie, of one thing I’m sure, you are being the best you, you know how to be - STOP JUDGING YOURSELF!
Matthew 10:26 (NIV)“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.”

"The light of the righteous shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out.” Proverbs 13:9(NIV)
Cariad (sweetheart), as hard as your life may be your life has a purpose, you came to this life deliberately to be here at this time. I know this world seems so full of attacks and struggle but you shouldn’t be judging or blaming yourself for not managing, the world is a tuff place right now and frankly I think some of those “attacks” may actually be attacks there are those in the world with less than compassionate motives. But please, please don’t allow them to overcome your beautiful spirit.

Remember, cariad of one thing I’m sure, you are being the best you, you know how to be - STOP JUDGING YOURSELF! You owe it to yourself to do your best and to reach for your full potential, in fact you owe it to yourself not only to reach for that potential but to stretch and challenge yourself, to dare yourself to become more.
"When nobody around you seems to measure up, it's time to check your yardstick."-Bill Lemley
Its time to stop hiding yourself away, your beauty and your talents need to be shared. It is time to make fresh starts and initiate some new ideas, it's time to reach for that new life and become that new you. You can’t do this by judging yourself or for that matter, by letting those with less than trustworthy motives dictate your sense of self worth.

Change your beliefs and not just the surface thoughts you hold about yourself but the deeply held beliefs, it is how you perceive yourself in your heart that matters. How and what you feel towards yourself is essential, anger and a judgemental, negative attitude toward your own abilities only hold you back. Belief begins with a thought; thoughts reiterated and perpetuated over and over, time after time become your beliefs. Changing your emotions changes your thoughts and changing your thoughts will change your beliefs, and then over time, watch your life change.
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
2 Corinthians 3:18(NIV)

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33(NIV)
You are a star that illuminates the Earth, NEVER FORGET THAT!
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." — Gandhi