Being mindful and aware of what you are thinking and the emotions that are produced by those thoughts, can show you so much about yourself. It can reveal the motivations that are not only behind your thoughts, emotions and actions but the repeating (and often negative) patterns of thoughts, reactions and emotions in your behaviour.
Watch yourself, in your mind take a step back and watch yourself. Observe, without judging, how you tend to react in a habitual way to certain types of thoughts, situations and people. Observe (again without judging), the emotions that arise at these times, then, ask yourself why? Why do I keep reacting this way?
The answer you arrive at could change your life. It will probably take some time and waiting with patience and you might have to let it sit with you for a while before you come to an answer and will different from person to person. But, when you do it really could change your life.
Continue observing in this way and a thought might occur to you, “These negative thoughts and emotions are not me”. You will on longer identify yourself with or as these negative ideas and realize you can make new choices, you can choose the way you see yourself. You can now choose to act as a pose to reacting in the way you have up until now, this will set you free to be who you really want and should be.
You can now give yourself permission to choose differently, to consciously and deliberately choose and act in a new positive life affirming way. A way that will revolutionize the picture you hold of yourself and therefore, revolutionize the whole your life.
Understanding your motivations is an important step, but, acting from the revelation that the observing of your thoughts, emotions and actions has given you is essential if you are to see any real change in your life. It could be your health, finances, or in your relationships or any other aspect of your life, whatever it is action is the fastest way to see change.
Act from this place of observation, of mindfulness, be aware of the effect your words and actions have on your life, the world around you and all the people in it. So, who is it that is doing all this observing? You are, the real you, the spiritual you, the part of you that come to this life to experience and express as much of itself as possible. Focus your mind on this observer, think of it as observing the observer if you like, spend some time with your real self, with the divine you.
Another good idea is to ask that part of ourselves that gives us our individual identities, the ego, to step aside and to allow the real you, the spirit you, the observer you, to take the driving seat. Coming from this place of the spirit is to come from a place that is motivated only by love you will gain a completely new perspective on all that noise and drama that goes on in your mind. Again allowing you to see your usual motivations and reactions in a new way and again, allowing you to consciously choose a fulfilling path for your life.
Come from your true self and you are motivated purely by love, you accept yourself, you accept others and you definitely do not judge. Now you have seen yourself in this new way, now you understand your motivations and beliefs (which area just un-questioned ideas you hold about yourself) you can leave the old you behind and march into the future with a peaceful mind, confidence, standing tall with your head held high.
You are also free to see all those you meet; family, friends, acquaintances or even those you might call strangers, in a new light. Because you now have an insight into their motivations and feelings you no longer have expectations of them that they were probably unable to meet. You now realize that everyone is struggling with the same internal battles you are, the difference is that now you are able to (gently) bring them to the same realisations that you have.
The point of all of this is that being consciously aware of your inner life allows you to deliberately choose the course of your life. You now have control over your thoughts, emotions and actions, not as before when you believed that they (your thoughts, emotions) had control over you. You can be who you always wanted to be, you can be the person you always knew you were on the inside, but never thought you could be on the outside.
Remember you are not your thoughts, you have thoughts, but they are not you -- BE THE BEST YOU - YOU CAN BE.