Sunday 6 September 2015

A Review of: How to Fight FATflammation!: A Revolutionary 3-Week Program to Shrink the Body's Fat Cells for Quick and Lasting Weight Loss.

Okay, this is my review of "FATflammation A Revolutionary 3-Week Program to Shrink the Body's Fat Cells for Quick and Lasting Weight Loss" by Dr Lori Shemek Ph.D. I posted it over on Amazon some months ago now, and I truly believe that this book to be a great help for those who wish to attain, or regain their health.  I'm sure the nutritional information in this book will play a key role in your health goals.

This is why I'm reproducing it here, health and nutrition promotes, and is essential to maintaining A Blesed Life. So, please read my review and then feel free to follow the links below.


Now, keep reading...


Dr Lori begins by sharing a little of her history and motivation for becoming a nutritionist and why helping people is so obviously her passion and calling. This lady is here to inspire, encourage and offer guidance for each of us who are determined to be healthy and happy. So many in the health industry are there to make a buck and that’s it, but I can honestly say that here we have a lady with a true calling towards the health and enrichment of everyone she encounters.


Did you know, not all calories are created equal? And, did you know how your body metabolites different foods in different ways? You probably didn't, we are told by the diet industry to count calories, all calories. Dr Lori explains why, as you may have noticed, this doesn't work. How many foods we think of as healthy actually causes inflammation.

"Most diets fail because they don’t get to the root of the problem inflamed fat cells" says Dr Lori.

She explains, among other things the difference between acute inflammation and chronic inflammation and how one can become the other. Information is very clearly presented like, for example: "What Causes FATflammation" and "What Fights FATflammation"

Acute inflammation - a short term visitor that shows up when you're injured or have an infection or, chronic inflammation - the irritating and stubborn squatters that have overstayed there welcome. Chronic inflammation of the fat cells within our bodies and reducing that inflammation is what Lori Shemek and this book is all about.

It sounds to me almost like an allergic reaction, or even that our fat cells are in effect sick, they become "inflamed, bloated, and swollen..." we become heavy due to toxicity within our bodies. And this is where I think Dr Lori's expertise and experience comes in - This book tells you which foods to eat and which ones not to eat to permanently shrinking your fat cells in the process.

"The FATflammation-Free Diet Program will change the way your fat cells operate"- Dr. Lori Shemek

From the role hormones play in fat storage, the difference between men and women, the changes that occur as we age and the effects such changes have on health. Epigenetics - the expressing of our genes, and how we can effect genetic expression through healthy choices.

Did you know, about the hormone leptin? "The name leptin is derived from the Greek word lepton, which means thin." Or Ghrelin, which from now on I'm calling the growling stomach hormone! Cool, huh! And what are brown fat cells? You'll love that one! Then there's cellulite, the bane of most women's lives, the truth of it all is here.

Now, I don't want to scare you but brace yourself - SUGAR CAUSES WRINKLES! If that doesn’t encourage you to change your habits nothing will!

As well as all the great information, part three of the book contains Dr Lori’s ‘FATFLAMMATION- FREE DIET PROGRAM’. Dr Lori gets you started towards a slimmer, happier, healthier, inflammation free you! This section alone makes this book an extremely useful, helpful and eminently practical (not to mention, essential) guide to a more energised life.

A three week, step-by-step program that walks you through the practical application of your new found knowledge. This combined with part four which shows you how to maintain a ’Fatflammation’ free lifestyle alone with a complete (and detailed) list of recommended supplements, providing you with all the information and motivation you should ever need.

Don’t miss out the appendix at the back of the book; by the way, it contains an exhaustive list of allowed foods and recipes!


This book is well written in a clear, concise and utterly understandable manner. We've all read books that were overflowing with information about nutrition and full of technical terminology that left you even more baffled than you were before you started. Not so here! You will be walked away from inflammation and into the person you want to be, the manifestation of the person who you're meant to be. You will feel encouraged, informed and enthusiastic about your newly empowered, healthy and attainable future.

The information contained in this book is so clearly presented by Dr Lori that you will find yourself thinking "this is easy, "I can do this " the realization of control is so empowering which is one of the reasons that this book is absolutely essential reading. This book is so obviously written by a lady with the desire, expertise, knowledge, skills, experience and passion for your health and nutrition. Very Worth both your time and money, really - click buy you won't regret it!

Oh and here's a great tip. Read the whole of the book, cover to cover, take notes and do what Dr Lori tells you!

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