Thursday, 17 July 2014


“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”- Albert Einstein
You've heard it said, "The question is not who does God talk to, but who listens." And it’s true God is communicating continually, all of the time heaven is sending inspiration, guidance and love to, and for each of us in every moment of our lives. We don't seem to recognise these communications for what they really are, assuming that they are even noticed (and most of the time, they are not) we give them a multitude of names anything else but the truth of what they are (communications from God).

It's amazing how so many people perform any number of tactics and mental gymnastics to avoid the truth of the communications sent to them from the heavenly source. We have become increasingly expert in the deception of ourselves as to the originator of these inspirations/instructions. We're screaming at God, Why don't you answer? Where the f**k are you? HELP ME!!! (I used asterisk, I was NOT swearing! :P)

He does answer, he is with us always, we have just become so adept at giving the experience any label but "God", or even ignoring them. I'm sure we're all familiar with phrases like, "I guess, I just got lucky!” or "It just seems to be..." preferring to believe that whatever happened was merely random chance as apposed to being the longed for communications from our creator, the creator of life.

We struggle so much with the situations and problems of life and the questions that arise from them, God/Life that inner voice provides the guidance and inspiration for the everyday and the unusual, the mundane and the magical. It’s the summer breeze that brings that sudden moment of genius, that song on the radio or the smile of a stranger. The question you ask one day may be answered the next day by the perfect author who wrote the perfect book that answers your question perfectly.

The trick is not to stress yourself too much in the search for your answers, or try to force life’s events in a direction they don’t want to go or make things happen too quickly. Truly listening to life brings the realization that the events, experiences and answers you are looking for will happen at the right and perfect time for them to happen. In fact, struggling and forcing the issue may have he effect of slowing down or even preventing those things from happening at all.

“Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you.”- The Nag Hammadi Library

Now, here’s the tuff part, we need the courage to act on the inspirations and the guidance we receive. These urgings are there to help us on life’s journey, they are there to help us grow, to become a more fully realized person and dare I say to help us evolve. It is to our advantage to listen to and trust these intuitive messages that have their origins beep within.

God has the whole multi-media magnificence of the whole of creation to communicate with, the complete bandwidth, every parallel reality and every dimension is his to play with at will. He can arrange anything, from the smallest particle to the grandest star, from the tiniest ant to the most imposing of elephants, anything, and everything at all and it’s all at the behest of the almighty just so he can let you know that you haven’t been forgotten.

So, be on the lookout, pay close attention and listen to the people and events of life as they cross your path, you may find just what you’ve been looking for. And, perhaps when that magical moment comes, the realization that it was right in front of you all along.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014


Philippians 4:8 "...if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think on such things."

The human imagination is a powerful thing, it is where your future is born, is where physical reality begins its existence, it is the realms of the possible and from where it begins it journey to manifestation. We use this powerful tool all the time, most of the time we use this amazing gift to imagine what can go wrong with our lives, or how things could fall apart and on how our dreams are never going to happen and not on how your dream life couldn't be easier to achieve or impossible to avoid.

We're doing it all the time, our deeply held fears seem so permanently engraved on our souls that we don't even notice the connection between those fears and the creation of the nightmarish circumstances that so many on this planet live in.


We even use our imaginations to create ways to exploit our fellow humans for personal gain, for example: the despicable practice of human trafficking, which is basically the buying, selling, using and when they have no more usefulness to their captures they are thrown away like so much trash. Human beings as disposable objects, with just as much perceived value by those who use them, imagination employed in the pursuit of carnality, evil and the denigrating of others. A subject that a blog entry, or even a whole book by itself and strictly speaking, not the subject of this post…

But, suffice to say:


The imagination is where the seeds of the creatively process are sown, it is where heaven places images of your grandest most fulfilling future, played by the projector of your heart and, viewed on the movie screen of your mind. Deep in your spirit there exists the reason for your coming to this life, the mission you are here to express and experience lives in, and has its beginning at the heart of your being. In there is the genesis of the joy and satisfaction we experience when we fully express our purpose for coming to this life, and all we have to do is listen to and follow the yearnings of our hearts.

The process of creation, the journey to manifestation, begins with our imaginations. As children we do it all the time, we create whole worlds with our imaginations, dreaming up, speaking and acting out possible scenarios all 'as if' it was real. Children are experts in the process of manifestation they demonstrate it every day with their play; we seem to forget as we grow older the joy of the creating and manifesting of our dreams.

So, the four steps to creating a fulfilling future for ourselves and by extension, the whole of humanity, one imagination/life at a time are:

Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."

1) The desire: There are seeds in your spirit, seeds of your desires and of your dreams, the reasons you came to this life, the beginnings of the experiences you came here to explore. Deep, deep within us all resides the driving force behind the whole of consciousness, the life force of creation, the Holy Spirit. Your job is simple, your job is to listen to your heart and search your soul to discover that reason.

2) The dream: This as you might expect, is where your imagination comes in. Use your imagination to give internal life to what are literally the dreams and desires of your heart. Don't worry if you are dreaming the right dream, don't concern yourself as to whether you are making things up or not, just dream. Dream in high definition, not just the sights but the sounds, the smells, the taste and the feeling of being where you know that you should be. Most, most importantly of all is to express the joy, the excitement and the gratitude for the manifestation of what is already so.

3) Speak and act: Your words and actions are simply statements of what is already really so for you, they (your actions) should be treated as the 3D image you have of who you think you are. Acting and moving one step at a time, in the direction you wish to go. Write your vision down, put everything in print so that you can read it and be as detailed as possible.

4) Trust: You don't have to know the details of how it works or how to get where you wish to be. Hold the destination in your mind, knowing that it already is, but don't concern yourself over how you will get there. The life, the Holy Spirit that resides within will guide you - learn to listen and learn to trust. And whatever you do, remember to play.