JASONCOWENONLINE.COM, my website and also my name (the Jason C Owen bit that is). It is an affiliate marketing site featuring an Amazon store with a huge variety of products, in categories such as Apparel & Accessories, Jewelry, Cell phones & Service, Toys, Computer & Video games, Software, Musical instruments and much more including groceries, newspapers and magazines. The website also contains a Clickbank store, containing nine different categories ranging from Business to Culture and from Fun and Entertainment to Sport with eight to twelve links in each.
Visit: http://www.jasoncowenonline.com
Ok, that’s the business me, the spiritual me the real if you like. I am a Christian and was frustrated by the apparent contradictions in dogma, a short prayer and two weeks later answers began to come. Basically I see what the phrase “in the image and likeness of God” really means not only in relation to who I am, but also the nature of creation (and it is a creation we’re in) its self. Some of those answers (I didn’t agree with everything) came in a book called “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch. Now I know that many say that if I call myself a Christian I shouldn’t be read that “stuff” but it did provide some answers.
Read more here: http://www.squidoo.com/realityofoneness
You may also like to visit a website I created as an exam piece for a web design course it goes by the title: “Oneness Reality”. It talks of our oneness with God and each other using Bible verses as evidence. There is also an aStore offering books, DVDs, CDs etc, please visit and maybe leave a message using the contact form.
The URL is: http://www.jasonowen.netfirms.com/
Thank you and God bless,
Hey brother I love You!!! AMAZING !!! I like your new website!!! WOW !!! NICE !!! :) :) :) I tweet on @12Magazine about you already!!! :) MAY GOD BLESS YOU BROTHER !!! :)