You are not who the world says you are, or what your thoughts say either, you are who and what God says you are. #DivineDarling
We identify with the world and we believe what it says, of course we do why wouldn’t we, after all it seems so real. We identify with the thoughts that meander through our brains and call those thoughts our identity; we identify with the negative feelings of fear, and hate and think that is who we really are. We identify with the physical form that we see in the mirror, and call that image “me”, thinking that it is a true reflection of who we are.
We over estimate the solidity and permanence of the world around us, thinking we have no control over the events and experiences of our lives. We underestimate the power of our intentions, words and actions to change the world, and consider ourselves unable to affect circumstances for the good. This goes for time too, by the way, we give time mastery over us it rules our very existence we’re continually chasing our own tails just trying to keep up.
"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." - Albert Einstein
Hey, it (life) is meant to feel real, that’s the whole point the experience has to be convincing, it needs to appear real for us to have the intended experiences that we came here to have. The problem is we believe it, - we have a galactic size case of amnesia - we put all our trust in this physical existence not only being real, but being the only thing that is real.
Okay, so maybe not all of us are so amnesic, more and more of us are remembering and reacquainting themselves with a wider reality and realizing, just how much fear and torture our trust and reliance on this created reality has produced. But it has to be said, the occupants of this planet seem to be struggling through this life with a very persistent case of mistaken identity.
As real as it may seem, the world we live in and the lives we lead are called creations for a very good reason. This life is a reflection of what we are being but not of who we truly are, we as a planet have been so fearful that it has produced a waking nightmare -- that’s not who or how we are meant to be, we’re not really being our true to ourselves.
Fear has robbed us of the truth of our nature, it has taken the joyousness out of life and lied to us about how life should be lived, it’s time for a change, it’s time for our true natures to be freed, restored and realized, its time for the truth of love. The world and its events are an emanation and a reflection of what we (humanity) are being, the world and its events are important, but they are not a true representation us - we may be in this world, but we are not of it, you and I are here to shape the world and not be shaped by it.
The fear that pervades this world and the resulting separation has produced some very strange ideas, so much so, in fact that the love that created us has trouble being heard. For example, the idea that some lives matter less than others, go figure it’s crazy, really crazy and bears on relation to who we actually are, or for that matter to what life here on Earth was intended to be like.
So, who are we meant to be? Who are we, really? And, what is the true nature that is hidden by fear? We are love; we are the unending non-judgemental acceptance called love and by definition an expression of God.
What is love? Love is the absence of judgement. - Dalai Lama
Believe it or not, despite all the fear and separation that you see all around you, you are made in the image of unconditional, unrestricted love. It is who you truly are and who you are meant to be expressing, radiating and being in this life. If you were expressing your true self, you would be patient and kind, you would not envy or boast and you would not suffer form pride. You would not dishonour others or be self-seeking or, for that matter, easily angered. It would not occur to you take offence or keep a record of any wrong, you would delight in the truth of love and always be protecting, trusting, hoping and because love never fails, you would always be preserving and never judging. Doing no harm to yourself, to others (who are just the same being, the same body, life, being expressed differently), or any to any part of this living creation.
Matthew 25:40 & 45 …‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’… ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
You are the branch and he is the vine, we are ALL “gods” member of his, the one body, we are made one with him, we are a part of him and he’s a part of us, EVERYTHING he is, we are and EVERYTHING he has done and is doing, we can do also. He not only lives in your spirit, he IS your spirit, believe me nothing and I literally mean nothing is impossible for you, for you are limitless.
You realize don’t you, that there is only one body? You realize don’t you, that when you harm or hurt another you are only hurting yourself? You are diminishing who you are; you are denying the true nature of who you are and missing most of the joy that life could bring. We are missing opportunity after opportunity to bless and be blessed and we are missing the whole point of life.
Got it yet? You and I are not meant to live a life of fear and anxiety; we are all of us made in the image of unconditional, unrestricted love. I know what fear might say, but, you have complete freedom to choose and to be whomever you want, so choose your deepest hearts desire. You may have days when you feel powerless, but believe me, it is you who has the authority in your life, not some figure you‘ve given authority to, you do, you are the light and the city that cannot be hidden. We/You/Me/Us are limitless creative beings, if we don't like what we see we can choose something new and change it. We can recreate ourselves you are, and we all are, expert re-creators made from and in the image of the one creator.
You know he sends us nothing but angels? Most of the time their wings are invisible not only to you, but to their owners as well. Believe it or not, but you are an angel in the lives of so many, showing up right on time just when you were needed. It’s time to be who you were always meant to be, it‘s time to be authentic and true, it’s time to stand up and set the captives free.
Consciously choosing our actions as apposed to unconsciously reacting to a circumstance, cultivating the ability to think for ourselves, knowing our own minds and not just adopting the ideas of others. Renewing our minds, leaving the mistaken identity and its attendant fear behind and realizing the power inherent in who we are.
Doing No Harm and Setting The Captives Free
Faith = Action taken from a position of certainty, knowledge and trust that our intended goal, dream or desire has already been accomplished. It is an unswerving confidence in the process and creator of life, that which we call God. The fuel that powers such trust, such complete faith, is the unending acceptance called love.
Links: Genesis 1:27, 1 Cor 12:12&27, 1Cor 13:3-8, Ps 82:6, John 14:11-12, John 15:5, Romans 8:17, Romans 12:4-6 , Eph 4:25