"Help People Know They're Loved -- Spend the rest of your life giving people back to themselves, that they might love themselves. And show them by how you are with them that you know there is nothing they are lacking, nothing they are missing, nothing they need, nothing they are not."--Tomorrow's God by Neale Donald Walsch
Let people know that they're loved - Make absolutely sure they know how precious they are. Most people don't seem to know just how wonderful they are, they need to know - tell them!
In the world we live in today it is easy to feel forgotten or ignored, so many people feel as if they are alone, as if they must struggle through life no their own. So many feel inadequate and unworthy or lacking in the abilities they need to live the fulfilled life they desire. You may be acquainted with these feelings of struggle yourself we all have felt alone at one time or another.
It is important that we befriend each other, to be the thing that we feel is missing in our lives and bring that, be that, in the life of another. Sow a seed of friendship and love into someone’s life, spend some of your time alleviating the loneliness of another. Be there for someone; support them when they need supporting, even if it is just listening to them or maybe a hug. It’s amazing how the realization that we are not alone can ease the pressures of day to day life.
We all seem to have the need, the desire, to experience that sense of safety, of security that feeling loved brings. We all have a yearning for that feeling of being comfortable in our own skin, that sensation being loved brings, that sense of freedom to be our true selves and to reach for our dreams and archive our full potential without the judgment of others.
Greatest giftPerhaps the greatest way to ensure someone feels loved is to gift them with the freedom to reach for their dreams and to be themselves, done not by controlling them with hindrance or judgement but with encouragement and gentle guidance letting them know that your support will always be there when needed.
The freedom to express our desires, our deepest, biggest and most longed for dreams is a God given right and his gift to us, to not only allow but help someone realise these dreams is the grandest of seeds we can sow and most beautiful harvest we can ever receive.
Being the thing you need in the life of another, bringing the feeling of love and acceptance into the life of another is a basic universal principle it’s sowing and reaping. Whatever you put into life will always come back to you amplified as a harvest and a reflection of what you bring to life.
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”-- Galatians 6:7
The system cannot be tricked, gift the feeling of love and friendship into the life of another and it will come back to you in abundance, you will never feel forgotten or ignored, you will never be alone.
FinallyOf course, all that said, ultimately none of us are ever truly alone and we never could be that aloneness, the feelings of separation we experience were never a true reflection of reality. Tell everyone you meet that they are loved, tell them they are not now or ever could be alone, tell them, remind them, who they really are. Remind all you meet; tell them that they are precious; a sparkling jewel in God’s crown, a shimmering example of God’s perfection in this his magnificent creation.
I know its tuff right now but, you know that, you are about to enter a wining streak, you are just about to hit your stride and reach your goal. Give what you need, be the person you know yourself truly to be and the fulfilment of your dreams is assured.